Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I have a Dream

As we all know, this year is the 50th years of Malaysia's independent day. The government as well as the private companies had organized many events to make this glories achievement a memorable one to all the citizen from all age especially the younger generation who are born after independent day.

This events are organized mostly for them because it can make them realized the important of achieving independent and using it to make our nation a more develop country from time to time. Knowing the history of our nation can make them more motivated to do their responsibilities and making them to defend their rights.

For example, students who really understand and appreciate the struggle and hardship of the fighters of independent will be more eager to do their responsibilities that is to study useful knowledge and then score in their exams so that they can further their study to a higher level. After that, they can severe the nation back when they became workers. And with high qualification, they can become leaders in what they are involved in and do not have to depend on other people especially from other foreign country to make something. For example, nowadays Malaysia car companies can design their own car then make them by their self at their own factory with little help from outsiders.

While for the workers, by knowing the history of Malaysia, they can be motivated to do better in their work by finishing their work on time and it is world standard work. And if the worker of Malaysia do not take bride and any shortcut in completing their job, for sure Malaysia will be a very pleasant place to live with little problem to be faced by the citizen.

50 years of independent is a short period of time comparing to the time that we have been colonized, that is 486 dreadful years. On 31th August 1957, Malaya became the first country to gain independent in a non bloody way but by negotiating with the British in a peaceful way. But that was 50 years ago. Whether we realized it or not, we are being colonized in a new way. Nowadays the colonizer are not targeting the physical of the nation first but they are targeting the mindset of the citizen so that they will be mentally weak making them also physically weak. Then they can enter the country easily to colonize. Malaysian is not being missed by them, especially the youngster, the teenagers, the person who is just trying to know about the world and its content. Many had gone astray. For example we all can see the social problems like drug addict, alcoholic, loafing at the shopping mall and others. This is a national issue because they are the future leaders and citizens. How could Malaysia be in the future with this problem people? For sure it will be a horrible and disgrace country.

Therefore, I have a dream.
That Malaysian one day will be free from any type of colonization. Mentally or Physically.

I have a dream,
that our country can be recognized throughout the world for its development and the well educated citizen.

I have a dream.
That one day in the future, I can be one of the leading educators for Malaysia.
My student will able to live their life to the fullest because they know how.

I have a dream,
That Malaysia is the greatest country in the world. Yes, that day will come, but only after many hardship and difficulties had been conquered.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Junk sleep..

A third of 12 to 16-year-olds asked slept for between four to seven hours a night. Experts recommend eight hours.

The Sleep Council, which conducted the poll of 1,000 teenagers, says gadgets in bedrooms such as computers and TVs are fuelling poor quality "junk sleep".
Youngsters need to be taught that sleep is important for their health, it said.
Almost a quarter of the teens surveyed admitted they fell asleep watching TV, listening to music or with other equipment still running, more than once a week.
Nearly all had either a phone, music system or TV in their bedroom, and two thirds had all three.

among 12 to 14-year-old boys, nearly three in five (58%) had a phone, music player, TV and games console in their bedroom.
While 40% of the teens said they were often tired during the day, just 10% placed much importance on getting a good night's sleep.
Obesity 'link'

Dr Chris Idzikowski of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre said: "This is an incredibly worrying trend.
"What we are seeing is the emergence of 'Junk Sleep' - that is sleep that is of neither the length nor quality that it should be in order to feed the brain with the rest it needs.
"Youngsters need to be taught a healthy lifestyle includes healthy sleep as well as healthy food. The message is simple: switch off the gadgets and get more sleep."
Sleep is important for both physical and mental functioning and wellbeing.
Previous studies suggest that people who do not get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight or obese.

UK scientists found sleep deprivation led to hormonal changes which told the body to eat sugary or starchy food to provide an energy boost.
But sleep problems can be a symptom of many other conditions, from problems with the thyroid gland to depression.
Professor Jim Horne, director of Loughborough's Sleep Research Centre, said advising teenagers to get more sleep was "easier said than done".
"I have two teenage kids, and the advice will just fall on deaf ears," he said.

In conclusion, getting a well night sleep is equal to getting a fine day.
For students, this is important because we have to attend school in the day.
So make sure we turn off every gadgets we have before we went to sleep.

Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is at the centre of the climate change debate. Therefore, it is important to understand how it affects our planet.

The sun heats up the earth by sending solar rays towards us. Some of these rays don’t get through our atmosphere. Those that do, warm up the earth.

When the Earth warms up it radiates its own rays of heat – infrared rays. Those which don’t escape past the atmosphere are absorbed by greenhouse gases, these greenhouse gases warns the earth is it is at the temperature we experience now. Without this process, the earth would be some 30degrees cooler and life on our planet would be different.

However, we are producing too much greenhouse gases, which mean they are absorbing more heat and warming the earth too much- this is called global warming. One of the main greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide. Which can be created from the chopping down and burning of trees.

the fuel used in cars and machinery also creates carbon dioxide, as same as the coal and natural gas. Therefore, if we reduce the use of fuel and reduce deforestation, the amount of greenhouse gas around Earth should also be reduce.

Scientists say it is already too late to prevent global warming but and therefore climate change, but by reducing greenhouse gases we could still limit the impact. Even a change in temperature of under 1C is enough to cause changes in rainfall and sea level rises.


Karate is the Japanese phrase meaning 'empty hand' and is a martial art of self-defense. It uses attacks of the hands and feet, accompanied by special breathing and shouts, usually to vital parts of the body. However, karate is not used solely for the purpose of self-defense ,it also motivates a strong sense of self-discipline and increases confidence.

Karate originates in Japan and its name came about as late as the 1930s. However, the style and technique of karate originates from the Chinese art of Shoaling Boxing, or Kung Fu. During the 1500s, this Chinese art was developed into the 'Tang Hand' on the Japanese island of Okinawa, so that the inhabitants could defend themselves against armed Japanese attackers. This Tang Hand was introduced to Japan by Funakoshi Gichin who gave it the modern-day name of 'Karate'. The style he practiced became known as Shotokan, one of the most widely practiced styles there is. Other styles are Kyukushinkai, Gojo-ryu, Shito-ryu and Wado-ryo.

Karate is similar to other martial arts, but stresses more the need for striking with lethal kicks and punches, rather than grappling and throwing, such as in judo. At higher levels of karate, much attention is given to knowing the most vulnerable parts of the human body. Such areas can be attacked using hands, elbows, knees or feet. In actual fighting, as opposed to in competition, a correctly applied blow using any of these can be fatal. Many techniques are employed to toughen the hands of a karate trainee, or Karateke. Such exercises involve driving the hands into containers of sand, rice or gravel. All punches use the first two knuckles, as this keeps the arms and wrist straight, increasing the strength of the blow.
Along with the blows and kicks themselves is another element that karate employs called 'Kime'. This means 'focus of power'. This focus accompanies the crucial moment of nearly all karate moves. As the move is near execution - near the last inch of a punch - the Karateke tenses/focuses all their muscles in their body, from their fists, along their arms to their chest, their stomach, legs, buttocks, everything. This is so when the move connects, it has the attacker's entire body force behind it.

Karate stresses the need for extreme muscular control and focus in all its moves, but also extreme relaxation. The focus lasts only for around one percent of the entire move, the importance being that the trainee is relaxed and nimble the rest of the time. Otherwise, if tense, movement becomes hard and jerky, and the Karateke loses the speed of his/her attacks. Another key feature that accompanies moves is what is called a 'Kiai'. This means 'spirit shout'. This is a loud shout that accompanies and helps focus key movements, perhaps at the end of a long combination of moves, or in actual fighting, accompanying a final or lethal move.
The colorings of belts in order changes from school to school. The general outline goes as follows:
1. White
2. Green
3. Purple
4. Brown
5. Black

In between white and green there may be orange, red and yellow. Some schools have more than two grades of purple - by using stripes in the belt - as well as a brown belt.

anXious?? -> steress......

Everyone gets anxious. It's the feeling we have when faced with something we're frightened of. Exams are a good example. We all worry about them, we tell ourselves "I know I'm going to fail", our heartbeat and breathing speed up as we walk into the hall to find our seat.

A little anxiety is good for us. Otherwise how would we motivate ourselves?

But sometimes anxiety becomes a problem. It can lead to stress. This can make our live more difficult and not pleasant.
Sometimes our anxiety is triggered off by a difficult event in our lives: Exams. Death. Illness. Bullying. Unpleasant stuff that puts us on our guard. So we get anxious about other things. We're not losing the plot. And we can learn to deal with it.
There are many ways we can try to do to reduce anxiousness. Deep breathing is one of them. 3 seconds in, 3 seconds out through the nose. Wait 3 seconds then try again. Try breathing using your tummy not your chest. Keep at it for about five minutes.

Other than that, Ditch caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes. Detox your mind. And as for drugs, do I need to say? We know they mess with our mind.

The biggest chill out to reduce anxiety is of cause exercising. It works undeniably. We all know it well, so just go out and get sweaty.

Mind over matter. If we think we can do it we are almost there. So, stop fixing on the bad stuff. For every negative thought: "I am useless at footbal, chuck in a positive one "But I am mint at volleyball". This always works for me. Well, most of the time.

Other than that, organizing our self is also helpful. Making a list of all the things we are stressing over. Then try fixing one a week. Just one. Go slow. This can avoid over steers.

In conclusion, today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. Did it get us anywhere? So don’t be too anxious about anything..

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Protect your money

Money is important to all of us because it is the way humans around the world the do business with except for something. Most people overestimate the chances of being mugged or having something nicked. That said, teenagers are more likely to be the victims of theft and assault than any other age group. There for here are a few tip you can take to stay safe...
Most mugging happen between 6pm and midnight so do not go out off the house if you do not have any important arenas to be settled. But if you do need to go out, make sure that you walk the streets or use public transport alone. Bring a friend along. This is especially important for girls, because many unwanted things can happen.
Even if you’re in a group, it is advisable to stick to well-lit areas. Who knows what could be lurking in the dark alleys or road. As you all know in general, the bad guys prefers the dark places because they can use it to their advantage. If no one saw you being mugged, how could anyone help?
The most common items to be nicked are wallets, mobile phones and jewellery, so keep them hidden . This is easier said than done because what is the main point of having expansive stuff we do not show it off. Thus, try to be more modest, it helps a lot.
But some time things happen, so if you were mugged, tell someone, preferably the police and your parents. They can help you. If you're mugged or see someone being mugged, dial 991. Even if you can't remember much, it could mean the difference between the muggers being caught or getting away with it. If your phone's stolen, get it blocked. More important than that, cancel any stolen bank cards. Also, change the lock that the key had been stolen. Who know the muggers when to you house to take some more of your valuable possessions. And go to the hospital or your doctors to have any injuries treated and documented. This can make you feel better physically and mentally.

The poVery dilemma

As the world is getting more and more modern and technology bloom like flowers in spring time, living become more luxurious. Well, at less this is the true about some of us.

Whether we notice it or not many others are still suffering with poverty. Living with only their bacis needs that are not enough. This phenomena still accurse in Malaysia.

1990s were a rare decade of reversal in development in too many places. More than 50 countries in the world are poorer now than they were in 1990.
The failure of government, and conflict and disease, are the main reasons for this bad state of affairs, with the dreadful effects of HIV/AIDS cutting a swathe through key parts of society.

Schools and hospitals have lost their staff, and the epidemic reduced the ability of families to feed themselves as young men died on a scale never before seen outside a major war.

Pressures of globalization have made some poorer too. The restless pursuit by global capital of the cheapest deal has left some casualties along the way.
Tackling HIV/AIDS, as well as other health issues, improving education, and reducing poverty and hunger must be done as soon as possible so that poverty can be terminated step by step.

This is a mind boggling task to confront with but it can be done with support from everyone especially the rich community of the countries who generates their wealth by controlling the basic needs for example, the foods, clothing, houses, and others. By this way, the poverty dilemma will be solve easily from time to time.